October 21, 2021
The Resolution on UC’s Delay and Deny Tactics closed last night at 8PM and I am excited to share the news that 5,482 Student Researchers (99.65% of those who voted) voted to demand that the UC recognize SRU-UAW drop its objections and recognize SRU-UAW in its entirety. 2,636 SRs also said they will help organize a strike vote if UC continues to refuse to recognize the democratic decision of SRs to form a union.

This is a major achievement! UC has taken every opportunity to delay this process with the hope that SRs would lose interest and stop paying attention. The results of the resolution show that SRs remain united in support for a union that represents all UC SRs, including fellows and trainees.
This news is especially important because tomorrow, UC administration and SRU-UAW will meet in an informal conference scheduled by PERB. This meeting is an opportunity for PERB to learn more about our arguments and ask clarifying questions, as well as for UC to do the right thing and recognize SRU-UAW as the union for all SRs. The outcome of that meeting cannot be predicted, but SRU-UAW will be going into it in a strong position based on the results of the resolution.
In solidarity,
Nathan Sandford
Department of Astronomy
UC Berkeley
PS – Don’t forget to RSVP for the statewide action on October 28th, the next step in our campaign for union recognition. You can find campus-specific details and RSVP forms at this link.