
Santa Barbara independent: UC Student Researchers Union Gains Recognition
Synapse: Grad Student Researchers Win Battle for Union Recognition
Insight News: Ray Curry: And union strong is benefiting all of us!
WSJ: United Auto Workers of the Ivy League
The Nation: How the Largest Union Fight of 2021 Was Won
In These Times: Student Worker Isn’t an Oxymoron
In These Times: Ten Predictions For the Year Ahead in Labor
The Jacobin Show: Starbucks Union, Amazon, and a Year of Worker Unrest
LAist: University Of California Recognizes Graduate Student Researchers’ Union
Washington Post: Hot on the left
Santa Barbara News Press: University of California recognizes Student Researchers United
Journalismus Von Links: Basis-Initiativen übernehmen zwei große US-Gewerkschaften
The Detroit News: Labor Voices: 2021 was marked by pro-union action, victories for workers
Daily Nexus: University of California Recognizes Student Researcher Union
NBC News: Starbucks unionization vote is ‘tip of the iceberg,’ organizers say
Daily Californian: UC recognizes Student Researchers United union of 17K workers
Detroit Free Press: UAW grows by 17,000 academic workers in California after threat to strike UC
Capitol Weekly: Recognition strike: UC student researchers favor walk out
Daily Nexus: Student Researchers Union Votes to Authorize Strike, Union Members Optimistic for Negotiations
Bakersfield Californian: UAW grows by 17,000 academic workers in California after threat to strike UC
Berkeley Daily Planet: The Berkeley Activist’s Calendar, December 12 – December 19
The Detroit News: Labor Voices: 2021 was marked by pro-union action, victories for workers
Daily Nexus: University of California Recognizes Student Researcher Union
NBC News: Starbucks unionization vote is ‘tip of the iceberg,’ organizers say
Daily Californian: UC recognizes Student Researchers United union of 17K workers
Bakersfield Californian: UAW grows by 17,000 academic workers in California after threat to strike UC
The Daily Bruin: California must do more to support employee unions, labor-friendly laws
Examiner: Opinion: Why UC student researchers will keep fighting for a union
Science: Amid pandemic disruptions, grad students push to unionize, August 26, 2021
Santa Barbara News-Press: UCSB grad students protest for union rights, August 26, 2021
The Davis Vanguard: UC Davis Graduate Researchers Still Fighting for Union Recognition, August 26, 2021
The Progressive: Grad Student Union, Yes!, August 16, 2021
Jacobin: 17,000 University of California Researchers Could Soon Win a Union, July 29, 2021
UCSD Guardian: Opinion: To Advance Equity Goals, UC Must Recognize Student Researchers United, June 10, 2021
Teen Vogue: University of California Student Researchers Are Forming a Union of More Than 17,000, June 24, 2021
The Sacramento Bee: Opinion: Student researchers are the backbone of the UC system. They deserve equal protections, June 3, 2021
Detroit Free Press: UAW gets more than 10,000 signatures to organize 10 University of California campuses, May 24, 2021
Inside Higher Ed: U of California Graduate Researchers Form Union, May 25, 2021
The Daily Cal: Graduate student researchers organize to form new union, May 25, 2021
The Daily Cal: Opinion: Student researchers need a union to win workplace safety, May 18, 2021
The Daily Bruin: Opinion: UC student researchers union would protect LGBTQ+ rights, ensure adequate wages, May 12, 2021