February 15, 2022

“To me, this was an issue of pay equity … We have an obligation to pay our people well, and we should pay our chancellors well.” That’s what UC Regent Jonathan Sures said after voting to give $100,000+ raises to the UC chancellors. Meanwhile, the majority of Academic Workers spend upwards of 30% of our income on rent or commute long distances to find affordable housing
Well, UC has already taken care of it’s chancellors and now it’s (past) time for the University to match its own rhetoric as it relates to the rest of us. This week, please join thousands of other Academic Workers in telling the University to fix their priorities, and end the egregious rent burden employees face.

RSVP to your campus housing action here!

Rallies Against Rent Burden
WHAT: Systemwide Rallies for Housing Justice and Strong Contracts
WHEN: 2/15 – 2/18; find your campus details here!
Where: Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego! Find your campus details here! Other campuses will rally next week.
WHO: You and everyone you know!

Help win meaningful action on housing by RSVPing to attend the rally!

In solidarity,

Frantzeska Giginis
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology
UC Riverside