Increasing Funding for Science
By forming a union, Student Researchers can join with UC Postdocs, Academic Researchers, and Academic Student Employees to advocate for increased funding for science and research on the state and federal level. Already, UAW Academic Workers are in regular contact with state legislators and members of Congress, educating them on the issues they face and their positions on various legislation. In addition to lobbying for research funding, UAW Academic Workers were also instrumental in turning back the Grad Tax and securing the inclusion of Postdocs in federal overtime regulations.
Most recently, UAW Academic Workers across the country mounted a joint campaign to call for increased research funding in light of COVID-19, to support the ability of universities to emerge from the crisis and continue performing leading-edge research. In April 2020, UAW wrote to Congressional leadership urging action to protect researchers and research funding in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. These were among the demands to Congress:
- Increased federal funding to NIH, NSF, DOE, NASA, USDA and other agencies to keep research going until operations return to full speed, including maintaining all lab personnel.
- More early-career funding, including extension of existing fellowships and increased fellowships available.
NIH NRSA Postdoc starting pay has increased by 28% since UC Postdocs won their first contract. UAW 5810 and UAW 2865 members have played key roles in electing pro-science, pro-education candidates to Congress, and have advocated in Sacramento and Washington, DC for workers’ rights, comprehensive immigration reform, expanded rights for H-, J- and F- visa holders and gender equity in academia.

UAW 5810 and UAW 2865 members with Katie Porter (Congresswoman representing UC Irvine) at her office in Washington, 2019.

UAW 5810 members at the March for Science across California in 2017